If you have recently become a high-risk driver, your insurance options can seem limited. In many cases, insurance companies can make it seem like this mark against you is permanent and something you have to live with. Fortunately, it’s not! There are 3 things to remember as a high risk driver.


  1. First off, different insurance companies offer different rates. A quick search on the Internet allows you to compare quotes from multiple companies to find the cheapest rate available. However, some carriers don’t accept high-risk drivers. At Eric Johnson insurance, we not only insure high-risk drivers—we specialize in it! We offer some of the lowest rates you will find and can offer quick quotes and SR22 insurance for those who have a DUI conviction in California, Oregon, Idaho, and Washington state. Our website can offer you all the information you need, whether you live in Spokane, Bellevue, Everett, Seattle, Tacoma, or a variety of other communities.


  1. Keep in mind that high-risk status doesn’t last forever. Even DUIs for alcohol and marijuana eventually disappear from your record after a certain period of time. Other, smaller infractions can disappear in a much shorter time frame.


  1. Finally, there are steps you can take to help yourself. Improving your credit score, taking driving classes, and even getting good grades as a teen driver can help drop premiums and prove responsibility. Keep records handy to prove that you are taking steps to be a better driver.

At Eric Johnson Insurance, we specialize in high-risk drivers and are committed to getting you on the road with an insurance policy that meets every criterion you need! Whether you need to file an SR22 or are just looking for an affordable policy, you won’t find anyone better than us. Contact us to find out how we can help you! (253) 273-7064 / (916) 918-5045
